Ally Naylor Ally Naylor


Getting your body moving after an injury isn’t always easy. Pre Injury I LOVED playing football a few times a week and doing long bush walks with friends. Post injury, it’s been hard to regulate my heart rate and build muscle mass back.

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Ally Naylor Ally Naylor

Reducing Gluten and Diary

It can be so scary changing your diet. I found its easier to “replace” instead of cut out. When I “cut something out” it’s all I crave. Here are a few alternatives I found when removing gluten and dairy.

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Ally Naylor Ally Naylor


Everything you eat become apart of you, even if it’s just temporarily. What you consume has a direct relationship to how you feel and interpret the world.

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Ally Naylor Ally Naylor


The power of your breath is so underrated, it’s such an important, powerful tool to harness. Here are a couple of different breathing patterns to practice.

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Ally Naylor Ally Naylor

T.I.P your body chemistry

Here are a few body hacks to help change your body chemistry, from the wonderful world of DBT. I use these to fend off panic attacks (most of the time!).

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Ally Naylor Ally Naylor

Cranio Sacral Therapy

Cranio Sacral Therapy helps connect and align the signals between your cranium and sacrum.

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Ally Naylor Ally Naylor

Physio, Chiro, Osteo…

Physical Therapists can be incredibly helpful to help you work our injuries, kinks and take time out to rest and rehab your body. As someone who carries a lot of tension and pain, they’ve definitely all had a part to play in my rehab.

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Ally Naylor Ally Naylor


Acupuncture is a traditional chinese health treatment to unblock blocked qi, your life force, to enable you to live a life with less pain and dis-ease.

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Ally Naylor Ally Naylor

Grounding or Earthing

Grounding, also called Earthing, is connecting your body to mother nature. It’s such a powerful and simple way to connect with nature and all you need is some grass and yourself.

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Ally Naylor Ally Naylor


So I’ve had a few… and it’s been a steep learning curve which still hasn’t finished. This is a bit about my journey and a few things I’ve learned so far.

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Ally Naylor Ally Naylor


It all begins with an idea.The Chakras are part of esoteric medieval-era beliefs about physiology and psychic centers that emerged across Indian traditions.

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Ally Naylor Ally Naylor

The Vagus Nerve

Learning about the Vegas Nerve was incredible to me. There are so many systems in our body that we just take for granted. Once you start to understand this you get to know why stress, poor sleep, trauma etc affects your body. And how you can use your vegas nerve to relax your body.

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Ally Naylor Ally Naylor

Top 8 reasons to exercise

I’ve been into sports and fitness all my life but this changed a lot after my concussion. But I still get a 30 minute walk in everyday and do some gentle stretch’s without aggravating my injury.

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Ally Naylor Ally Naylor

Sleep Hygiene

Sleep is essential to living a good, happy life. There is so much we take for granted and sometimes sleep is on that list, but there is so much you can do to get a good nights sleep.

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